Work Groups
Many of our projects last year were completed with the wonderful help of “work groups.” At Holmes there are always projects which are perfect for a “work group” weekend or we have projects that could keep you busy for the whole week! Spring is always the busiest time of year for us, and many hands make light work. We would supply housing and would ask that you cover the cost of meals. Call Holmes Camp for more information, 845-878-6383.
On the Lookout for Good Volunteers

As we continue to get the facility in tip-top shape, we can use your help. We are always in the need of groups or individuals to come and paint (interior and exterior), clear trails, mow lawns and garden, and do other odd jobs around the site. Adult and youth work groups will find we have small jobs which can be weekend projects. Ministers are especially encouraged to volunteer, as a way for children and youth to get to know clergy in a more informal setting.
We are required by our accreditation to have all volunteers fill out a “Volunteer Application.” This will also enable us to schedule volunteers at times when they will be best utilized. If you are interested, please call (845) 878-6383, and we will be pleased to respond with more information.
Holmes Advocates in Local Churches
In an effort to reconnect with the churches in the three Presbyteries of Hudson River, Long Island and New York City, the Board of Directors has recently established a network of people — at least one person from each congregation — to serve as a liaison between Holmes and local congregations. Holmes Advocates serve as an important information link, informing the congregations of upcoming events at Holmes and providing feedback for future planning. The network of Holmes Advocates is growing, and we’d love to have you participate as a contact point for your local church. Please call Holmes at 845-878-6383 if you would like to serve as a liaison between Holmes and your congregation.